Monday, 1 May 2017

This weekend I have been stitching on my Humbug by Faby Reilly from Creative Poppy.
This too has some beading and filament which adds a lovely sparkle.

We've had a lovely weekend away with my Mum and Dad and have been so spoiled,
we are now well rested.  Bob is back to work tomorrow and I will be back at work on Thursday,
with a phased return after my sick leave.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

I'm's been a long bumpy time

As you can see it's been a long time since I have done any stitching.  Life has been busy and at times stressful.  But this year is now turning out to be a good one, thank goodness.

In brief here's what we've been through - hubbies business got done by an act of fraud, it was a huge amount of money which for the first few month the bank said we wouldn't get back, then all of a sudden we did, but the stress in those months was immense, needless to say we're taking it further.

The car we bought last year was found to have a huge list of things wrong with it despite us buying it from a reputable dealer and we only found out 3 days out of warranty......we didn't have a leg to stand on but it's costing us thousands to put right.

I have just come out of hospital at Easter with DVT and Pulmonary Embolism. I'm on recovery/sick leave at the moment.

But all is ok, hubby got the money back, we're lucky we can afford to get the car fixed, my dear son at last has managed to secure a permanent position as a lecturer at a Universty after many years of struggling on part-time work, my daughter has found new love and is blissfully happy and I am recovering well, and my eldest son is soon to have some long awaited therapy.  So life is good and I have much to be thankful for. 

Today I sorted through my stash and found 2 of my favourite WIPs and some Shannan Christie embellishments which I forgot I had, so I ordered the charts and found some lovely fabric to use, I just need to order the threads.

Below are photos of what the finished charts will look like and my fabric and the two WIPs as they are now before I start on them again.

Thanks for coming over ❤

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Well, I'm absolutely blown away.  I have received a RAK..........and a very special one.  Kim is celebrating her 60th by sending out 60 RAKs and I didn't for one moment believe I would be lucky enough to receive one......bit I did.  I feel a little guilty as I have been absent from my blog for a long time as my mojo has been hibernating.

 I had tears of joy when I opened this it really cheered me up soo much I can't thank you enough Kim and we have Irish 🍀 links in our family too so you amazingly chose well.  Look what I received........

This fabric is sparkly too

I need a little box to put my rings and watch in at night on my dressing table, this is just perfect

There is a lovely Christmas chart too

I can feel my fingers starting to tingle 

Thank you lovely lady xxx

Monday, 18 July 2016

Christmas in July!!!

I've been buying some stash, my daughter loves Owls and Christmas, so I thought I'd make her a couple of ornaments

Owls Christmas by Soda Stitch

Silk weaver Coral Reef Jobelan and floss for ..........

I can't remember.........

This is going to be fun ☃

Sunday, 17 July 2016

B completed

Today Insat in the garden in glorious sunshine and finished B

So loving this, nice little mini projects 😊

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

First Letter of Stitchers Alphabet Finished

I have really enjoyed stitching this and have ordered my supplies for the next letter.

Have a great week in stitches 😊